Am I A Good Candidate For Invisalign Am I A Good Candidate For Invisalign?

Am I a good candidate for Invisalign? - am i a good candidate for invisalign

I have a small gap between my front teeth (about 4 mm wide) and my 4 lower teeth in front of the crowd with a 2 on 2 overlapping teeth in less than a millimeter. They are both outside and at an angle of 15 degrees.

Was it a good candidate?

Thank you (:


AreaManV... said...

Invisalign has done a good job of straightening my teeth up (in just 18 weeks!) And I'm almost finished my jaw where my four front teeth were very crowded.

Also, remember that Invisalign "consulting" the teeth in the direction we must go slowly. Because of overcrowding, for example, works because the peaks (the teeth and then the line if you can profile), I am not 100% sure how it would fill a gap.

In general, however, if your dentist tells you you're a candidate, I will not go!

AreaManV... said...

Invisalign has done a good job of straightening my teeth up (in just 18 weeks!) And I'm almost finished my jaw where my four front teeth were very crowded.

Also, remember that Invisalign "consulting" the teeth in the direction we must go slowly. Because of overcrowding, for example, works because the peaks (the teeth and then the line if you can profile), I am not 100% sure how it would fill a gap.

In general, however, if your dentist tells you you're a candidate, I will not go!

AreaManV... said...

Invisalign has done a good job of straightening my teeth up (in just 18 weeks!) And I'm almost finished my jaw where my four front teeth were very crowded.

Also, remember that Invisalign "consulting" the teeth in the direction we must go slowly. Because of overcrowding, for example, works because the peaks (the teeth and then the line if you can profile), I am not 100% sure how it would fill a gap.

In general, however, if your dentist tells you you're a candidate, I will not go!

rubyshoe... said...

Invisalign is the movement of the body (where the root and crown have to change both), and thus would be ideal diastema (difference).

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