Hospital Adjustable Bed My Lower Back Hurts In Bed, I Need Some Ideas How To Make An Upside Down V Shape Adjustable Thing For Under My?

My lower back hurts in bed, I need some ideas how to make an upside down V shape adjustable thing for under my? - hospital adjustable bed

Round () under the bed.
I used to put pillows under the knees, but fell flat after a while. I have some wood and adjustable to increase or decrease. I do not want to buy a hospital bed. are heavy and I'm up
Thank you for giving me ideas.


Megan B said...

I'm sure they can do it under the mattress (under the pillow Mattess might run, but the mattress itself is a little change on the company in this way) I was a moss to keep you knees bent. Most craft stores sell foam pillows and the like, so you should have the option of a room big enough.

My dad had this big foam cushions to boost his feet on the rebound, when he had surgery on both ankles (both legs in casts large) and it worked well (the foam is strong enough to avoid crushing them under the weight of the caste). In addition to lightweight foam is so easy to assemble.

☮Hailey said...

whose sleep

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